Not retiring.....

Hello Fans of the Ladybug!

This is just to let everyone know that we are not retiring in 2024.

It’s coming, but not until 2025. Please correct anyone saying otherwise. The rumours have started, and some folks have misheard!

The store will be open next Christmas and into 2025. We will be retiring at the end of March of 2025.

The core Scandinavian stock we are known for will be on a new Shopify website we hope to launch in the fall of 2024. That way the traditional Advent countdown candles, all of the Nisser, Tomtar (Elves) and Scandinavian jewelry will still be available by mail in Canada. We will continue to feature other specialty items and are thinking of attending some of the Christmas craft fairs.

After 20 years we have decided, along with Leslie, Mary, Betty and Judy, (our fabulous staff) that we will retire together.
It’s been an eventful 20 years for us and fully 40 years for the Ladybug.

We are so grateful to our loyal and supportive customers and friends for making the Ladybug the special little island of brightness and good cheer it is.

We will update this website as we go along and make sure to be more attentive to our Instagram and Facebook pages to keep everyone in the loop.

A lot of people have asked if we intend to sell the business. We’ve chosen to transition to an online model instead. With the many challenges and changes in the retail landscape over the last decade, “bricks and mortar” businesses are just not as attractive and easy to run as they once were. That doesn’t mean we aren’t open to chatting if someone wishes to, though.

tina matysiak